Proof of funds, what is it and why is it important? Well, when you’re making an offer on a house, you’re gonna need to provide a proof of funds to that seller. This gives the seller the confidence and the knowledge that you have the money and the ability to complete that transaction. Now, it comes in a couple different forms. If you’re paying cash, it can come in the form of a bank statement or something from your financial institution proving that yes, you do in fact have the money you say you have to make this transaction. And if you’re financing a house, it can also come in the form of a lender letter. This lender letter is gonna tell the seller that you have been approved for that loan, you have the ability to pay it back, you know what the interest rate is, and you have the income to support this transaction. All of this lends to giving the seller confidence that you’re able to complete that transaction and get it to the finish line without any issues. Make sure you have a proof of funds or a lender letter before you submit an offer. If you don’t, you’re just wasting everybody’s time. #ProofOfFunds #HomeBuying #RealEstate #HouseOffer #SellerConfidence #LenderLetter #FinancingAHouse #BankStatement #MortgageApproval #InterestRate #IncomeVerification #TransactionSecurity #PropertyPurchase #FinancialInstitution #OfferSubmission #ValidatingFunds #ClosingTheDeal #Homeownership #PropertyInvestment #homefinancing #HousingMarket