
Denver is a vibrant city whose stock market is booming and whose population is growing. Though the city has seen an increase in housing prices, it’s not as bad as some other cities. But what does this mean for real estate investors? Is now the time to get into the market or should you wait until it cools off?

Denver Real Estate Market

The Denver real estate market is prime for investors and buyers. With its history of strong returns, Denver’s always been a hot spot for homeowners looking to make some money on their properties.

While the city’s economic growth has slowed slightly in recent years, it remains one of the fastest-growing markets in America. If you want to add some diversity to your portfolio or just start investing in property, this might be your chance!

Housing Market Predictions

Did you know that the Denver real estate market is one of the hottest in America? Did you know that it’s also one of the most popular destinations for first time home buyers? Did you know that if you are a first time home buyer and looking for an affordable entry point into one of the nation’s top markets, then now is your chance to make it happen?

The Denver market has been on fire since 2012 when prices began increasing after hitting bottom during the Great Recession. According to Zillow, prices have increased 25% over the last two years while inventory has dropped by 10%. This means that homes are selling faster than they can be built. In addition, there are over 6400 new jobs being created every month in Colorado—which means more people will want to move here and buy homes as well.


The housing market is shifting significantly, and it will continue to do so. If you’re looking for a more stable environment in which to invest your money, this might be the right time for you. The Denver real estate market has been experiencing tremendous growth over the last few years, but now seems like an ideal time to invest in real estate here before prices go up even higher.